Friday, September 4, 2009

Wo yao bia!

So much problems are flying in the air lately...

and thanks to those darlings who always be there for me.
I apologize for my emo-ness which freaked everyone out.
*Big bear hugs!!!*

like what they say,
the thorns make you grow stronger.
Life can't go smooth as it'll be really dull and meaningless.
我们做人要学习如何 '千磨万击 还坚 劲 , 任尔东西南北风' ,
你说 对不对?

I won't bother to those bastards' judgment anymore
because I know who I am,
thus I don't give a damn.
It was not worthy to be sad anyway.

maybe I was sort-of
or maybe really acting like a despo.
Sorry lo?
If that offense you?

Done is done.
I've made my decision to change myself
and I'm pretty positive that this time I will!
Into an awesome Mandy
while farewell to the loser side of mine.
Go Mandy!Go!Go!Go!

Uncontrollable tension will lead us to a really big trouble.
conquer it before it does.

the family are going Thailand tomorrow
for their holy shopping spree.

Leaving me ALL ALONE at home.
how meant they are.
*Glance at them*

Feeling much much better now!
Going to study soon.