Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fund Fair (Class version)

Align Center
11 March 2010

To celebrate Peng Hwa's 90th Years Anniversary and
to gain fund for the renovation of the school's toilets (perhaps?),
the school has organized a very smart activities
to enroll all of us in LOADS of nerve-cracking plus tiring activities
so that the school can earn money easily without putting much effort by 'emself .
OMG!Can you believe that?
We've been used indirectly by the evil school!

1)Fund Fair among classes - using recycled items is a must .
Obviously,nobody bother to mengamalkan the '3R' as the litters (plastics) were every where.
Secondly,do you know how I feel?
The activity was exactly like a money-circled.
You're the seller.
You provide your own ingredients by using YOUR OWN MONEY.
Then,you sell/buy the items in the school by using YOUR OWN MONEY.
Eventually,where did the money go?
Semua dimasukkan ke dalam poket sekolah.
In conclusion,
you paid for the works and times.
The school high high post people LER?
Sit down and waiting for money falling down from the sky.

Nevertheless,the good thing is,
we don't have to really study in a week because of it.

Still,the activity was so pointless that it only wanted us to show our love and loyalty to the school.
I don't know why everyone was so berhemat to pariticipate it including me as well.

My team was selling smoothie on the last day.
Gleefully,we've earn a lot,seriously.
Sadly,we get RM 0.00 in return. -.-

Ice kacang.Cool huh?

Ern w/ our smoothie.Kim with her chiko face.

This is funny!*Ahahahahhahahaha*


Loving the stickers!

Our poor booth =(

My class =)

What did Tsin and her sister do usually in the van?






Cute hor?*Laugh-out-loud*



Friday, March 26, 2010

Orientation Day

Hello world.
I'm back,like finally right?
No motivation,no time
(most of the time was spent on books and the lovey dovey one...) ,
and lazy bla bla blaaa

That was why I kept my blog in silence for a little while.
Miss me?

The test has just ended and my results
were all below my expectation as well.
Kinda disappointing though...

'Care it soo much for what?It's just a bloody test?!'

Alas, it's the FIRST test of Form 4
and it was supposed to be the easiest among all.


6 March 2010

The Girl Guide Society had organized an orientation day for the juniors who are the newbies.
As a senior hence,
me and few others had lend our helping hands.
*Eye browns moved up and down*

Before that,it was the Ranger's banner and supportive items competition.
I love my PL's banner.
It's incredibly amazing.

Nah!Nah!This one LA.CUTE!No?

Guess guess who are them?;D

Who claimed themselves as 'camera shy'.*LMAO*

The scouts from PFS also helped us with the monkey crawl.
Thank you Eugene,Calvin,Jian Ming and Dickson =)

As for our station (Wan Qing and I's) was a groovy station yo.
Dance all you can with the mini newspaper we gave you and with the songs that we choose for you.
They did pretty well alright!*Woah*
Kinda fun watching 'em embarrass themselves.
*Didn't mean it.I appologize.TEE-HEE*

Pretty bug?

The poor one?The gaya eh?

Failures-Drink all you can.
I don't know what did the drink contain and how did it form.
I just remember that it was really really awfully disgusting.

See!They were enjoying themselves!*Hah!*

Seniors paid us a visit too!


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Gah!!I think I've messed up every dates of my pictures.
So things here are a bit messy.

this is when I had my late birthday celebration at Smoky Jack.
It was my first time to the restaurant.
The decoration was unique yet awesome.
I don't really fancy the food.

The Upper Penang Road.

The fatal temptation...

Dad and Mom.

The kiap look!

The Siblings.

we watched a midnight show-72 Tenants of Prosperity.


And this one is literally all about pictures that I captured at Miao Jie.
It was a once per year CHINESE event.
Who would miss it eh?

I didn't know Malaysia actually has mandarin wordings on the signboard.*Laugh-out-loud!*

Spot the uncle.He was freaking concentrate while doing the lantern quest.*LMAO*

'Jinyi!Jinyi!Help us to take picture!!!'

After I took for 'em.

"Aiyer...why we looked so fat one...'

*Did my annoyed face -.- *

My dad's childhood favourite junk food.Obviously,it is much healthier than today's chemical-ed junk food.

Heritage buildings were everywhere though...

There was all sorts of booths selling crafts,souvenirs and FOOOD!!!!!!
Ate a lot LO.
My fats are popping out more and more already.
Don't laugh at me LO...
*Innocent face*

Thanks to the uncle.He has Yeng-ed my picture!

Performances were everywhere too!

Seriously,I looked much tinier than my actual size when I was standing beside them.
I think I should get one stick like them.=D

Somehow,thanks to the luck.I've spotted these gorgeous people in the lens!!!!!!
*Cb face*

Hot bo?Hot bo?

The End.