Friday, March 26, 2010

Orientation Day

Hello world.
I'm back,like finally right?
No motivation,no time
(most of the time was spent on books and the lovey dovey one...) ,
and lazy bla bla blaaa

That was why I kept my blog in silence for a little while.
Miss me?

The test has just ended and my results
were all below my expectation as well.
Kinda disappointing though...

'Care it soo much for what?It's just a bloody test?!'

Alas, it's the FIRST test of Form 4
and it was supposed to be the easiest among all.


6 March 2010

The Girl Guide Society had organized an orientation day for the juniors who are the newbies.
As a senior hence,
me and few others had lend our helping hands.
*Eye browns moved up and down*

Before that,it was the Ranger's banner and supportive items competition.
I love my PL's banner.
It's incredibly amazing.

Nah!Nah!This one LA.CUTE!No?

Guess guess who are them?;D

Who claimed themselves as 'camera shy'.*LMAO*

The scouts from PFS also helped us with the monkey crawl.
Thank you Eugene,Calvin,Jian Ming and Dickson =)

As for our station (Wan Qing and I's) was a groovy station yo.
Dance all you can with the mini newspaper we gave you and with the songs that we choose for you.
They did pretty well alright!*Woah*
Kinda fun watching 'em embarrass themselves.
*Didn't mean it.I appologize.TEE-HEE*

Pretty bug?

The poor one?The gaya eh?

Failures-Drink all you can.
I don't know what did the drink contain and how did it form.
I just remember that it was really really awfully disgusting.

See!They were enjoying themselves!*Hah!*

Seniors paid us a visit too!