Sunday, September 6, 2009


People nowadays are so lifeless..

For instance,Kim's case.
Dot . Dot .
Lifeless people will get busted in the end I guess?
Well,non of my business anyway.

Trial and PMR are coming so so so soon.
Oh no!
Wish me luck people!
*Big wide grin*

Fed up besetting with those stupid problems man.
Just feeling like
PEACE!* ok?
People say happy people will live with a longer harmonious life.
So live happily and say no to war is not bad after all.

On the contrary,
since I had promised myself to be a better person,

*Whistle:The AWESOME MANDY !*
let's learn BARNEY ,
shall we?

Barney is the purple happy-go-lucky dinosaur,
who is always surrounded by little kids and sing stupid nursery songs.

At least,
this is what I thought.
And his highlight+famous song :

I love you;
You love me;
We are happy fa-mi-ly;
We a big great smile and a little kiss for you;
Don't you say you love me too!

I'm not sure if the lyrics are accurate or not,
ala ,
just learn his holy attitude la.

Freaky idea?


Stay tuned for more updates!