Monday, September 13, 2010

Installation Day

Venue : Wawasan University
Time : 1.00p.m.
Date : Forgotten
Theme : Formal

I bet most of you guys must have seen the pictures below in Facebook.
Credits to Huey May,the photographer.
And Annie too.
Thank you !

Apparently,attended this event which called Installation Day held by my school's Interact Club.
It was held to do some installment for the incoming and outgoing committee list.
Something like a farewell I guess.
It was quite a success and everyone dressed up lovely in their best outfits.
Except for someone here...*Pointed out below*
High class beggar?

Because I forced him to come la actually=3.*Love*

Surprisingly,met a lot of people there.
Somehow the hall was not really fully filled.
Kinda boring la.
But I adore the performances.


In the hall.
Actually it's a lecture hall.The compound was quite small but cozy enough for us.=)

Larried,my long lost buddy.He did an awesome performance although it was last minute.

My pretty bao beis.

This is Rico.And that is my jellyfish partner,Kevin.

Group picture-LALAs.